Thursday, April 26, 2007

The GIANT MONSTER WRESTLING section of Kaiju Universe has pretend matches made just for this blog. A new match will be added weekly.

Mach 1: Orga vs. Monster X
Arena:Death Valley Desert
The ground shakes as something massive moves beneath it. Suddenly, a large grey object erupts from the Earth, reveling it's identity. It's none other than the space monster Orga! Letting out his first wail in months, the alien begins walking, unsure of where to go. As he slowly lumbers forward, a bright light in the black night sky catches his eye. He looks up to see what it is, but before he can, it starts falling towards Earth. It hits the ground with incredible impact, creating a huge crater in the surface. As the smoke clears up, a humanoid figure begins moving inside of the crater. Suddenly, three beams of lightning emerge from the dust, taking Orga by surprise and knocking him over. Then, the figure itself walks into view. Orga looks up curiously at Monster X, wondering if he is a threat. His wondering is soon over, however when Monster X releases another surge of light, shocking Orga once again. In response, the lumbering beast pulls itself up at a surprisingly quick pace and leaps towards Monster X. At the same time, he fires his shoulder cannon, knocking over the humanoid beast, but his body misses and falls down once again. Monster X, laughing vilely at Orga's clumsiness, gets up and begins kicking around the space beast, giving Orga a terrible headache. Orga, however fights back by shooting his cannon at the hot sand, causing it to fly wild and to temporarily blind Monster X. Confused, Monster X begins flailing his arms and legs, hoping to get a good hit. His efforts are in vein, however whn Orga turns around and opens up his mouth, intending to consume Monster X. He leans over, picking up the blinded Monster X in his jaws and begins a transformation. He begins to get thinner and more human-like, and his hump starts shrinking. His color changes from grey to white and his mouth begins to get smaller, squashing Monster X. Moments latter, there is no Orga, nor the old Monster X. In their places stands a newly formed Monster X, ready to begin it's own destruction of planet Earth.
Your Winner: ORGA!
Match 2: Anguirus (Millennium) vs. Varan
Arena:New York City
It was worse than 9-11. Hundreds of buildings where being destroyed this time. Not only that, but small trees, buses and people where being hurled this way and that. This was no tornado. It was a monster. Varan was capable of making huge gusts of wind with his thin but powerful wings. He found much pleasure out of destroying things to. The air force was called in, but it was no use. Would this monster destroy The Big Apple? Just then, a roar was heard. Varan momentarily stopped and looked behind him. Swimming beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, was another monster. This monster had a shell on his back made of huge spikes. As Anguirus climbed out of the water, he was greeted by a powerful force of wind. He roared in frustration at Varan and tried to fight back. Realizing that he was powerless against the wind, he thought of a plan. The curled himself into a tight ball and sent himself flying through the air. Varan tried to move away, but he was knocked down by a massive amount of spikes. Varan bellowed in pain and stood up to his full height. Anguirus was still hurling through the sky straight at him. He turned around and whacked Anguirus with his tail. The monster was sent flying into a building with huge impact. Anguirus recovered himself and leaped at Varan. This time, Varan was quick and glided up into the sky before he was hit. Anguirus, frustrated, tried another strategy. He leaped into the air and butted Varan with his horn. Varan fell from the sky, loosing massive amounts of blood at the same time. He lay unmoving on the ground. Anguirus began a victory roar, but as soon as he was about to leave. Varan leaps onto him biting him in the neck. Anguirus roares in pain and leaped into the river. Varan laughed at his retreating foe and resumed his destruction.
Your Winner: VARAN!

Match 3: Titanoaurus vs. Burning Godzilla vs. Rodan (Millennium) vs.
Gamera (Millennium)
Arena: Cedar Point
It was just a normal day at the park. Kids with cotton candy in their hands were running around, adults were sitting on benches talking and keeping an eye on their children and everyone was having a wonderful time. Little did they know that the very park that they were in would become a pile of broken ride parts in a few hours.

As the park was at it's busiest time, a huge gust of wind swept over the people. They looked up and saw Rodan heading right towards them! In a panic, they ran about wildly, trampling many beneath their feet. However, just as they thought that this was the end, a stream of fire rushed through the heavens, knocking Rodan out of the sky and landing on a crowd of people. Then, as the confused people turned around to find the source of the fire, a roar was heard. It was Godzilla! Godzilla's heat patches glowed with hatred toward the Earth. He moved his lumbering body forward, trapping the crowd in between himself and the fallen body of Rodan. A few people did manage to escape, but where blocked by another monster. As Titanosaurus lifted himself out of the Earth, roaring down at the puny humans. He looked around, deciding which monster to attack first. He decided to take on Rodan, the weaker prey. He advanced much quicker than the lumbering Godzilla and was soon looking down on the knocked out Pterodactyl. He was about to stomp on the creature's wing when another stream of light rushed toward him. Enraged by being disturbed, Titanosaurus rushed toward Godzilla, leaping onto him. It was his turn for victory. However, this Godzilla was much more powerful than the one that he had fought before. Godzilla's spines began to light up and released a fire bolt from his mouth, throwing Titanosaurus upon Rodan. Rodan, now awake, managed to turn his body around and bite the dinosaur's long neck. This enraged Titanosaurus even more and he began whamming Rodan with his tail.

Seeing that the monsters where occupied, Godzilla spat out some more fire, hoping to destroy the prehistoric beasts for good. However, just as his spines began to light up, he was knocked over with tremendous force. He flew to the ground, not knowing what had happened. He looked up. A large shell was hovering above the ground. He had never seen anything like it before. Suddenly, two arms popped out from within the shell, and it was soon after followed by a head. Gamera landed, roaring at the King of Monsters, not knowing who he was, but ready to take him on.
Titanosaurus was still slamming his tail into Rodan, not knowing whether the beast was dead or alive. Presuming he was dead, he stopped. In a second, Rodan hopped up and mercesly pecked at Titanosaurus, dispite the pain in his head. Titanosaurus fought back, punching and biting Rodan. Then, Titanosaurus picked up Rodan's beak with his mouth and hurled him at Gamera, not realising he was there.
Gamera turned, seeing Rodan hurling towards him. He was too late, however, as the creature knocked him off his feet. Gamera was pinned to the ground. Seeing thier chances, Titanosaurus and Godzilla ran forward, hoping to finniish of the two monsters. Godzilla, however did not want company. Godzilla's spines began lighting up, with a stream of fire to follow soon afterwards. He hit Titanosaurus with his beam, but then something happened. Titanosaurus, once weak against sonic beams, had develped an immunity for it, and a sonic beam! He shot his beam, locking on to Godzilla's, and a beam battle began. However, Godzilla's beam was to strong, and reached Titanosaurus, litterally blasting his head off. He stumbbled forward a little bit, then fell. Dead.
With a roar, Godzilla claimed victory. But it was ended soon enough, when Godzilla noticed Gamera and Rodan where getting up. Gamera, now focused on his latest enemy, flew into the sky, hoping to kill off Rodan from the distance. But then, Rodan flew after him! Gamera was surprised. He had fought the Gaos before, a creature which resembled Rodan in many ways, but Gaos had only shown fear of Gamera. But this new flying menace was not going to go down easily. But Gamera was the Guardian of the Universe, the sworn enemy against anything that threatened the world. He had to continue. Gamera turnned around, shooting out plasma balls from his mouth. Rodan dodged them, and continued on faster and faster. Soon he and Gamera where alongside one another. Gamera tucked into his shell and began spinning, ripping into Rodan and making him bleed. Rodan wailed, but he wasn't going to give up now. Then, without warning, Gamera bit into Rodan, his sharp tusks peircing his neck. Bones crunched inside Rodan. He new he was dying. He stopped moving, wanting to fall to the Earth. Gamera let him go and watched him fall. With a victory roar, Gamera was about to leave the battle field. Suddenly, another ray of fire shot through the sky. This "Godzilla" creature still wanted to fight. And he accepted the challange.
Godzilla saw Gamera coming closer. Godzilla seized his chance and without hesitating, shot at the Gamera with his heat ray. Gamera was knocked to the ground. There was silence for a few moments until Gamera's tail, legs and arms began coming out of the object. Then, soon enough, his head popped out of the top hole. Gamera roared at his latest foe, signaling another challenge. Godzilla took no time in attacking and whammed Gamera with his tail. Gamera fell to the ground, but at the same time released a plasma ball from his mouth. Surprised, Godzilla fell down to, causing the ground to cave in. Seeing his chance, Gamera quickly got up and walked towards Godzilla, picking him up by the tail. He pulled his legs in and flew off into the sky with the King of the Monsters. Not far of the ground, Godzilla reawakened, blasting Gamera once more. Failing to stay in the air, the turtle fell from the sky, realising Godzilla. The two fell down again, this time causing an even greater impact.

Moments later, a monster got up from the hole. The burning death machine raised his head with one last roar and began to walk away into the sunset.

Match 4: Ebirah (Showa) vs. Minnila (Showa)
Arena: Monster Island
After weeks of searching, Ebirah finally finds land। He raises his massive body out of the water and scuttles around the shore. No sooner has he arived does the forest around him begin to move. Angry at being desturbed, Ebirah draws toward the forst ready to attack. Out from the forest pops Minnila, looking for Godzilla. Minnila thinks that Ebirah wants to play (!!!!!!) so he runs toward him. He learns all to late that Ebirah is hungry, and the massive shrimp leaps apon our young hero. However, Minnila has gotten stronger than his last battle and quickly snaps of almost all of Ebirah's legs. He then throws Ebirah into the sea and dances with joy over his latest kill. (WOW THAT WAS SHORT!)

Your winner: Minnila!
Match 5: Mechagodzilla (Showa) vs. King Caesar (Millennium)
Arena: Okinawa
The inside of the station was quiet. Mechagodzilla, the super robot of the Black Hole Aliens was about to be launched. The platform rose into the air carriyng the super weapon through a hole in the ground. Mechagodzilla opened his mechanical jaw and scretched. He began walking but then, a mound of rock began to move and out popped King Caesar, this one stronger than before. Mechagodzilla recocnized his foe and new this would be easy. All he had to do was stand still. Sure enough, the Okinawa God ran forth, arms outstretched . As King Caesar was about to hit his foe, Mechagodzilla leaped into the air, causing King Caesar to hit his head on another mound of rock. Mechagodzilla transformed into his flying form and rushed toward the unconsious beast. Howver, King Caesar was quick and leaped into the air, kicking Mechagodzilla. Mechagodzilla began to fall but quickly transformed again. He landed on his feet and began shooting beams at King Caesar. One of the beams missed and his a rock, which fell on to the furry beast's head, knocking him out again. Mechagodzilla saw his chance and picked up King Caesar. He then found the nearest body of water and dumped his foe into it.
Match 6: Gigan (Showa) vs. Hedorah (Showa)
Arena: San Fransico
Landing with a huge thud, the space beast Hedorah arrived on Earth. After he had failed the first time, Hedorah was eager to try to conquer the planet again. He changed into his flying form and headed towards the Golden Gate Bridge. Once there, he landed on it, crushing it and killing many people. Hedorah laughed vilely and began eatting the courpses. Occupied with his work, he did not notice an object flying towards him. It cut oped the Smog Monster with it's buzz saw and landed in the water. Hedorah, angry at loosing so much acid, leaped toward Gigan, landing on him and covering him up. Gigan, berely able to brethe through the dense smog, poked his way through with his sharp beak. When he was about to break through, he hurled Hedorah away from him, sending him miles. Gigan quickley flew over and cut him open once more. Hedorah lost no time into changing into flying form to search for a more vonerable spot to start his destruction.
Your Winner: GIGAN!
last updated 4-19-08

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